Sunday, October 10, 2010

Breakfast of Champions!

Morning everyone! Do you wake up Feeling ravenous at times? Well, I have 2 words for you: Me Too!! I found this breakfast to be filling because of the fiber and yummy because it doesn't taste like cardboard. This is the cereal of champions. (fyi: I use almond milk in place of regular milk because it's low in calories and boosts your magnesium, potassium and Vitamin E in your diet. Also, almonds are full of these essential nutrients. So, as you consume it, you are increasing the level of health in your diet.

1 cup Unsweetened Almond Breeze (vanilla)- 40Cal
1/2 cup fiber one cereal- 60cal
2 tbsp Kashi Go Lean Crisp! Toasted berry - 30cal
1 tbsp raisins- 30cal
Total cal: 160cal

Can't find Almond Milk? Go to!

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