Thursday, October 14, 2010

Egg, Creamcheese, Tomato/Onion on a GG BRAN Crisp. Calorie Count: 44! Fullness Count: THROUGH THE CHARTS!

 This is the EASIEST snack to make. It's loaded with fiber/protein so you won't be hungry an hour later. Have two for 88 calories!

1) 1 Bran GG Crispbread - 12calories
2) 1 tsp Philadelphia Whipped Chive Creamcheese - 10calories
3) 1 eggwhite from a real organic brown egg (they're delicious!) - 17calories
4) 2 slices white onion + 1 slice tomato -5calories
5) pinch of kosher salt - zero calories
*cook egg in a small pan. While this is cooking, spread 1tsp. cream cheese on crispbread. Place egg on top of crispbread and add onion/tomato. Pinch of kosher salt on top for added flavor.

Great book of recipes w/ calorie counts for a 1500 calories/daily regime. Take a quick look by clicking here

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