Saturday, October 9, 2010

Low Cal Featured Fav of the day: GG Bran crispbread

With only ***12 calories*** and a ton of fiber per cracker, GG Bran Crsipbread are amazing for a satisfying snack. Look at all the ways you can add a topping while staying below 55 calories!

Pro: Very Low in calories, high in fiber and maintains a hefty size to be considered a "cracker". 
Con: Just don't eat these plain, they are meant to be adored by being adorned with other flavorful foods.
Recipes w/ Featured Fav
  • GG(12cal) topped with 1 egg white(17cal) + 2 tsp Whipped Philadelphia Cream Cheese (20cal) + 1 slice tom/slice of onion (5cal) + dash of salt/pepper to taste = 54calories
  • GG(12cal) topped with 1tbsp hummus 1tbsp (35cal) = 47calories 
  • GG(12cal) topped with 1tbsp jelly (any kind around 30 calories for 1tbsp) + 1tsp Whipped Philadelphia Cream Cheese (10cal) = 55calories
  • GG(12cal) topped with 2tbsp fat free Cottage Cheese w/ Pineapple (the brand friendship makes a great kind, only 80 cals per half cup. 2tbsp is 20 cal) = 32calories
  • GG(12cal) topped with 1tsp Peanut Butter(30cal) + 4 small slices of a banana(12cal) = 54calories

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